Catholic Marriage Program I Have Always Had Great Respect For The Catholic Religion, But Not Sure About Annullment?

I have always had great respect for the Catholic religion, but not sure about annullment? - catholic marriage program

My second husband is Catholic, and I have a serious thought about the change, but when I learned that I should cancel my first marriage, I did not choose me. I have a son with my first husband, and I thought it would not hurt him. Now my son is 13 years old, have a child with my second husband, and just found out I am pregnant again. My husband has not been able to let go and the link with a different name, and feels comfortable in a Catholic church, so our present church was mixed. I think now I have 2 children with him, do what is right, and converted to explain it for me my first marriage annulled, we can find our church to "increase home" and her two children in a house, which is a sound base is Christian. I am afraid that my son lives to alienate (w / is part ...) at the time of a Baptist church program of youth. What do you think? How do I go?


imacatho... said...

The Catholic Church believes that God does not recognize civil divorce.

Jesus said, "What God has joined together, let no one separate human being." (Mark 10:9)

However, it is the hope of a declaration of invalidity.

The term "waiver" is a misnomer because the Church does not undo or erase a marriage bond.

Instead of the church is a declaration of invalidity if it determines that the parties are not really bound by God and therefore understand the full spiritual sacramental marriage as the Church was not present.

Then the parties are free to marry for the first time.

Grounds for revocation are:
Known + One or both spouses at the time of marriage
+ A wedding is not a Catholic, right before someone who is not named a priest or deacon
+ A marriage where one spouse had a disability as a previous marriage and civil divorce
+ A wedding where there is a gap in the permit or the ability of one or both spouses

The procedure is the same whether children in the marriage. If a declaration of nullity, while the children are considered legitimate and retain all rights (Canon 1137).

Approaching the right person in your community who have been trained in the process. If you have problems, you can go directly to the diocese.

Pray, honest and patient. It takes some time.

With love in Christ.

Shlane said...

Talk with your child ... to explain why you think you want to join our church. also talk to a priest and explain the situation ... Talk with your child and then go with him to a priest. I hope I am a Catholic and I understand your problem, but remember, no matter what God loves you because you believe in him

mouse_72... said...

Why disalienation him? Tell him it's a way for the Catholic Church to recognize a divorce. This is the easiest answer, and 13 years old should be able to understand that without a problem.

Moreover, attempts to take her husband to other churches? I was raised Catholic, but now an Episcopal church. It is very similar, at least in the traditions and enjoy.

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